QG Med, headquartered in Florida, strives to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local sales tax laws. This policy outlines our approach to the collection and remittance of sales tax for transactions conducted through our online platform.

1. Sales Tax Collection in Florida:
Sales tax is collected on all taxable goods and services billed or shipped within the state of Florida. The tax rate applied will reflect the current state and applicable local rates.

2. Sales Tax Collection in Other States:

Sales tax will be collected for orders shipped to states where QG Med has established nexus, whether physical or economic, in accordance with state laws.
The list of states where sales tax is currently collected includes: Florida. This list is subject to change without notice as laws and nexus conditions evolve.

3. Tax Exemptions:
Customers with valid tax-exempt status must provide appropriate documentation to qualify for a sales tax exemption. Please contact our customer service team for assistance.

4. Invoices and Sales Tax Display:
Sales tax for shipments within Florida will be reflected on invoices at the time of purchase. For shipments to other states, the tax may be included or added based on the applicable requirements.   

5. Customer Responsibility:
Customers are responsible for compliance with their local sales tax laws, including the reporting and payment of use tax for purchases where sales tax was not collected by QG Med.

6. Compliance Statement:
QG Med complies fully with all applicable sales tax regulations and reserves the right to modify this policy as needed to align with legal requirements or changes in tax laws.

For additional information regarding sales tax or to request exemption processing, please contact qualitygaloremedicalcs@gmail.com.